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Updated Traffic Flow - 2/22/2025

Posted Date: 2/19/25 (9:00 PM)

Traffic Flow Changes Effective February 22, 2025

Dear Triway Families,

Traffic flow on our new PreK-12 building site will change beginning February 22, 2025, to safely accommodate the abatement and demolition of the former high school and middle school buildings. This will be followed by late site work which includes elementary playground construction and permanent parking lot development. Safety fencing has been set up around these areas and adjacent parking lots to secure the work zone and provide separation from our students and families.

As a result of this fencing, access to the campus via Valley Road will be closed. Additionally, parking lots B (formerly the high school “oval” lot) and C (formerly the middle school lot), as well as the connecting drive between Shreve Road and Valley Road through the site, will be inaccessible.

A map detailing the revised traffic flow is attached for your reference. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we undertake these important campus improvements.